The rainy winter weather here has driven me to indoor activities today. Luckily Federation Square is just a short walk from my hostel. Opened in 2002, it was built to replace City Square after many design flaws were realized.
The square is home to many new cafes and venues, including the Australian Centre for the Moving Image and The Ian Potter Centre portion of the National Gallery of Victoria.

The ACMI Hollywood Costume exhibit featured the art of designing the wardrobe of movie characters. They had a mix of famous films: Star Wars, Fight Club, Gone With the Wind, Harry Potter, Titanic, and Blue Brothers to name a few. It's a great exhibit to check out, photography is not allowed, however.

Across the courtyard is part of the National Gallery of Victoria. Currently on is the 1980s remix exhibit.

If you're looking for a place to stay warm and dry for the day, this is a good choice. Plenty of exhibits to see and cafes.